Single Parent Speaks

Podcast Spotlight: The Inspiring Journey of Major General Rita Aragon

In our latest podcast episode, we are honored to host Major General Aragon for an enlightening conversation with our host, Linda Fernandez. This episode offers a deep dive into Major General Aragon’s experiences, her journey in the military, the challenges she faced, the victories she celebrated, and her unyielding support for veterans.

Linda Fernandez sits down with Troyvonne Hamilton, in a very powerful and moving conversation about her son, Josiah, faith, family, and much more.

In a recent episode of the podcast “Single Parent Speaks: One Heart, One Parent, Many Adventures”, Linda Fernandez engages in a profound and touching conversation with Troyvonne Hamilton. The two delve deeply into the experiences and challenges of single parenthood, with a particular focus on Troyvonne’s journey raising her son, Josiah.

Carla Hinton: Balance, Promises, Teamwork, Community, Self-Care, and Memories

Welcome to the next captivating episode of our podcast, “One Heart, One Parent, Many Adventures”. Today, we are thrilled to introduce an exceptional guest, Carla Hinton.

Tiny Powe: Raising Boys, Dating, Stability, Support, Emotions, and Discipline

Hello and welcome to the premiere episode of our podcast, One Heart, One Parent, Many Adventures”. We are excited to kick things off with an inspiring guest, Tiny Powe.

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